Cañones Creek Trail( FT 82)- Santa Fe National Forest
Even though the lower end of this trail was just a couple of miles up the road from the house were renting, access is blocked by private property, so we had to take the long way around( 20 miles) using NM 96 to Youngsville and then Forest Roads 100 and 99 to the upper trail head.
We started off at around 10,000 feet up on the huge dissected plateau that is the north side of the Jemez Mountains. The trail took us gradually and then increasingly more steeply down a side drainage that was dry( I expected at least a trickle) and was full of dead conifers.

We emerged after less than a mile in the open meadows of upper Cañones Creek. We went down to the stream so our dogs could drink and cool off. Unfortunately what we found was mostly trampled mud and close cropped grass with only the occasional puddle of clear water. The never-ending drought in New Mexico continues. It was very reminiscent of our trip to the upper meadows of Canjilon Creek four years ago.

We hiked downstream and where the stream entered a more forested section, it dried up altogether leaving only gray rocks and gravel. We continued down a little more where it acquired a weak flow from a couple of feeble springs. That's where we called it quits, sat in the grass and ate lunch. I had had plans of doing a little fishing. So much for that. There may be better water and at least a few fish in the box canyon section lower down, but that will have to wait for another trip. More direct access to this middle reach is had using FR 100, FR 173 and FT 102. As it turns out, I had left my reel behind, which would have been very frustrating had there been anything to catch.
On the way back, our dogs were giving us fits, as we tried to wrangle them up the trail. All they wanted to do was chase the many, many chipmunks that emerged from every nook and cranny among the boulders in the meadow. When we got back in the woods, we picked and ate the many tiny wild strawberries that grew at our feet. When I would pop a good one into my mouth it tasted like the distilled essence of a larger berry- all gone in the briefest of seconds.
Getting back to the level ground at the trailhead, we heard our first thunder, got in the 4Runner and headed back off the mountain.
NOTE: There is what appears to be an abandoned project to fence the upper reaches of this creek, with gates( I assume that cattle could be let in to drink or cross the stream at these junctures) and posts installed but no wire. If anyone has any information about this, please comment.

Labels: flyfishing, hiking
You all ever make it to the bottom of Canones Creek??
We made it to the bottom. There was no flowing water initially, only mud in the upper meadow section. We hiked downstream a mile or more into a more forested section, where there was a tiny bit of flowing water, but we were a long way from the box canyon lower down. The best way to do that, I've scoped out. There's a short but very steep trail ( FT 102) off of FR 173 that connects to FT 82 which eventually dead-ends at private property. I hope to get back there and actually do a little cutthroat fishing. I tried fishing some on the property where we were staying, but with no results at all.
Thank you so much for replying! So FT 82 ends at private property? Also is it good fishing at that section? I'm planning on coming there in the next month and want to do a little hiking and fishing myself.
I have one friend who fished it. He said it was a lot of fun catching the small native cutthroats. I would guess one shouldn't expect anything over 10 inches or so. We were there in a very dry July when the summer rains hadn't started yet. Fish will probably move around more in wet years, but I would think the best fishing would be in the 400-500 foot deep box section. Right now the Santa Fe National Forest is closed due to extreme drought conditions, so you can't legally go there. It's a very small stream, so the fish are probably struggling just to survive. If good rains come soon, it might be okay by mid- August, otherwise it might be best to wait till late September or early October.
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