Friday, July 10, 2015

Nambe Lake- 2015, Pecos Wilderness(Santa Fe NF)

I did the Nambe Lake trail with my friend Eric  back on June 19th. Conditions were much cooler and wetter than when  I hiked it with my wife back in August,2009.The Nambe River above the Winsor Trail bridge was rushing full force as it cascaded steeply down the mountainside. It was deep and clear as it twisted through the wet meadows on the small plateau  where the trail levels out briefly before the final steep push up to  the lake. The lake itself, though picturesque, is silting in and very shallow and threatens not to be lake too much longer.
 Because it receives so much use, and because of the steep, rocky terrain, there is very little clear trail upstream of the bridge. We kept close to the stream and kept eyes out for remnants of trail construction and we did alright. I  think we got off track just once.
This initial ascent via many switchbacks from the Ski Basin parking up to the Pecos Wilderness boundary is still a killer, as are the two sections of climbing along the stream. The relatively easy walking from the wilderness boundary to the bridge was pleasant, although this section seemed much longer on the return trip. The monotony was broken up by a large buck deer charging down the trail,  who quickly turned down the steep hillside upon seeing us. Luckily it all happened so fast that my deer chasing Scottie was never really sure what exactly had transpired.
 It was beautiful clear day, that stayed clear despite rains earlier in the week, on the brink of summer and I thought it couldn't have been passed more pleasantly than on this, the easiest of the alpine lakes hikes in the Pecos Wilderness. We met many people. Our dogs met many dogs. We met many dogs. Our dogs met many people. As is typical for outings near Santa Fe, I saw more hikers in one day than in years worth of hiking in the Gila or even the Lincoln.

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