Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Sierra de las Uvas -Picnic

We took advantage of the cooler temperatures and cloudless skies on Sunday and went for a picnic in the Sierra de las Uvas. We drove out Corralitos Road, admiring the lush growth of grass( and weeds too) that is currently blanketing the desert. Many of the low water crossings along the way had a thick deposit of sand in them, put there no doubt during the recent heavy rains in our area.  Approach these very slowly if you go. We found the area we wanted a short ways after the road climbs very steeply to a plateau . We had scouted out some very rough side roads in this area as potential camping spots, and thought we would use one of them today for our picnic. It was a beautiful spot. The steep mountains immediately to our west were wonderfully  green. The rocky ravine beneath us held some intrigue.
        After eating we decided to explore it, finding that it still held some water from the rain a few weeks ago.  As it has happened in other parts of this mountain range,wherever one finds these natural holding places for water- there will be evidence of ancient peoples. In  a short time we found a few petroglyphs  and several grinding holes: a delightful bonus to a beautiful day. Our Scotties enjoyed the rock-hopping adventure- but when they heard a squirrel in the brush and their hunting instincts kicked in, we knew it was time to round them up and head back. It was so lovely to see our desert so green again. It's been a long time. Get out and enjoy it over the next few weeks. Note- Be prepared to see some of the most enormous grasshoppers if have ever seen in you life . We were inadvertently squishing the many mating pairs that had  wandered into the roadway during our drive.

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