Sunday, March 24, 2013

Rincon petroglyph site

 We revisited the petroglyph site near the small town of Rincon. I wrote about this site back in January of last year in conjunction with the site in Palm Park near Hatch.  I realized that although I had photos of the Palm Park  site, I had none of the one near Rincon. So now I've remedied the situation.  There are many natural hollows carved into the bare rock here that hold water for a long time. Some still had water in them even though our last rain was close to a month ago.  These natural cisterns are also present in several other petroglyph sites such as Broad Canyon. It may have been that the Rio Grande ran dry  for part of the year,or that the water was too salty for consumption , so that these places would have been vital to survival.     



  1. I just recently came upon your blog in a petroglyph search and was stumped to read that these petroglyph's were here. I've lived in hatch my whole life and never heard about these. I did the hike today and found them, thanks to your blog!!:)

  2. Devon,
    Thank you for your blogs. My boyfriend and I have used your clues to find spectacular sites in such canyons as Broad, Valles, Lucero, Apache, Dancing man, etc... We have been out to Rincon in search of the petroglyphs on three occasions, and unfortunately have not yet found them. Would you be able to provide us with some clues into what direction to head from the pull off or information on the site. Thanks again for your awesome website, great history involved. Hike on!

    Danielle Viramontes

  3. Look for my blog entry "Rincon-Palm Park."

  4. I will check out the blog again, thanks.

  5. Danielle, it's a different entry, just type Rincon Palm Park for your search.

  6. I have checked out both blogs. We are determined :), I tell you it's a joy once you find it. It looks to be on the west side, but you located it on the east side up that dirt road and up the mining pit. We saw an old sign out there. I think we keep on missing it. I figure the best way to find is to keep on venturing. I found a cool fossil while searching.
    We went out to Apache flats this last weekend and had a picnic by the petroglyphs, Awesome place! I believe pottery to exist out there as well.

  7. I apologize for the confusion. The rock art is definitely west of the mine. The road to the east has the interesting rocks and such.

  8. Ok thank you, very much appreciated. we are heading out this weekend in search.

  9. We found the area, wow! Great place, thanks again.
