Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Purgatory Chasm Trail ( FT 779)- Gila National Forest

 We hiked this trail many years ago. We were staying at the Bear Creek Cabins in Pinos Altos for  a long November weekend. Unfortunately, the weather did not co-operate with us one tiny bit. It was cold, windy, cloudy,  and dark with the occasional sputtering rainfall thrown in for good measure. We drove around a lot and somehow snuck in this little hike.  I remember there were  pine ladders in a couple of spots on the descent through the slot section of the hike. I also remember there being water here and there, which surprised me. We came upon  a fox,who looked as unhappy with the weather as we were. He was  above us in an alcove in the cliffs. across the small canyon. It was a bit strange,because he didn't try to hightail it away from us, but instead waited for us to leave.
 The reason I'm thinking of this hike now, is my new interest in finding slot canyons here in the southern half of the state and the canyons directly to the west of Purgatory Chasm look very interesting to me. If anyone knows anything about them let me know.

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