Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Old Highway 260( FT 260) , Ft. Bayard Cross Country Course( FT 722) Loop Hike- Gila National Forest

We did this hike of about  3.5 miles on Saturday afternoon( 3/14/15). Starting off from the Dragonfly Trailhead parking area, we headed southeast on un-named connector trail. Just when we thought the trail was just going to go out to the Highway 180, it took  big curve down to Twin Sisters Creek. I think this segment was on the Cross Country Course( FT 722). We then headed north on a use trail that follows the creek. There was just  bit of water amongst the rocks in this section, and all the riparian vegetation was just beginning bud out.  Other use trails branched off in between bouldery hills, but we continued to follow the stream. I was surprised to see  old bridge abutments  across the creek which marked the beginning of the Old Highway 260 Trail( FT 260). We didn't really know where we were,having only taken the briefest of  looks at the trail map before setting out, but I had a good feeling that this trail would take us back to our truck. We marched along on the broken asphalt heading back west and unbeknownst to me directly back to our starting point. This is pretty little hike,if you're expectations aren't too high, through gentle terrain of grasses, juniper and bushy, green pinons. The wind blew a bit but not distractedly so, and we were back in plenty of time to make our dinner reservation at Silver City's Shevek restaruant.

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