Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Circle Seven Creek camping, earlier trips - Gila National Forest

Morgan Creek

North Seco Creek

Cabin ruin near Whiskey Spring and Circle Seven Creek

  IMPORTANT UPDATE (6/22): The Black Fire has burned through much of Circle Seven and Morgan Creek valleys. They are most likely vastly altered from what is described here.
We camped on Circle Seven Creek a couple of times before we got our little trailer, using the camper top  with tent attached rig. The first time was in the late summer-early fall.We hiked on the Circle Seven trail(FT 106), but it was too hot, too open and our dogs were too wild to get very far. It would have helped if there had been water in the creek, but there was only one puddle. As it was, we made it a mile or so past the wilderness boundary.  There are  fantastic rock formations all around this area. I tried my hand at a watercolor depicting  one group of them, but I'd really like to return and get some good photos.We also hiked  down the road(FR 730) and explored  the ruins of some old homesteads. A second time we went during spring break. There was still no water in Circle Seven, but both Morgan Creek and North Seco had plenty. We hiked all the way to the wilderness boundary on the Morgan Creek road/ trail( FR732 and FT 107). The springs at the base of Mud Spring Mountain were flowing. We washed up in and did a short hike along the very cold North Seco as well.

Morgan Creek

North Seco

Hermosa, NM

Mud Spring Mountain

Morgan Creek

Along Morgan or North Seco

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