Sunday, February 12, 2012

Frying Pan Canyon

This is another site near Cookes Peak. I came out here the first time looking for the petroglyph site. We  parked at the dam and hiked up a short side canyon over a ridge and down into upper Frying Pan Canyon. We made it up to the spring,then hiked back out to the  wide arroyo never seeing any petroglyphs. We walked along the jeep road back to our vehicle and right at the dam, we saw some footprints etched into the rock as if they were leading us up the hill to this fantastic rock art site. The hill is steep. The footing can be a little treacherous too, but you'll have to climb to see the best stuff.There are alcove shelters here and grinding holes as well,including one so deep it punched through the large boulder it's in.This place used to be part of my tour for out of town visitors, but I haven't been there in a while.The short side road to get here is pretty wonky- needlessly curvy and with lots of down and up coming in short intervals. I know this spot isn't exactly a secret- there have been other groups there every time I've visited-but I don't like to give out specific directions. I found this place and many others with only a place name, and sometimes a county name. I then hit the maps and started wandering around the desert.UPDATE: for images of the rock art at this site go to my Frying Pan Canyon 2015 blog.


  1. Good day I just happended upon your blog. I enjoyed ut. I am inimately familiar with some of the areas you have visited, not the Caballos and thereabouts. However my family is from the Mimbres as early settlers/ homesteaders. We came in mass/mostly all kin someway or other, after the Mesilla Riot, which you may have read about. Much later after moving to CA during depression years we (at least my direct family) came back to Vanadium in Grant County and after the great strikes, moved south to Deming area. I have been in the outdoors and using certain writings- literature, history, some of it by descendants, to make exciting connections ( to me at least) here in the greater SW of Nuevo Mexico, a long time my friend. I wish I could tell you some secrets you appear to have missed, but I am writing and hopefully will get to share. Later this month, I will be addressing med issues, which may or not affect my next stages in life. Thanks for sharing sir- sometimes I am hesitant to share, especially with those who do not respect our earth. I see some who invariably desecrate.

  2. Thank you, Henry, I hope everything turns out well- I'd love to hear at least a few of those secrets one day.
