Monday, November 28, 2011

South Llano River State Park- Texas

I have visited this state park near Junction,Texas many times. We camped here a few times when we still lived in Texas. We almost always stop in recent years for fishing, walking and a picnic. This time we enjoyed some barbecue from Lums(bought in town) and then went for a walk. I've fished here a few times but only caught a few small bass( although I believe one was a native Guadalupe bass). Native pecans,american elms,cedar elms and chinkapin(sp?) oaks make up a forest of large trees along the wide river bottom. Juniper and scrub oak cover the uplands. This is a turkey roosting area in winter. Many of pecan trees had already lost their leaves and had no nuts. I don't know if they were already dead or just stressed from the deep freeze in February and the continuing drought. A few years ago,it was a sunny 90 degrees the day before the Thanksgiving and there were kids tubing here.Two days later it was in the upper 30's and raining( Yes, Texas weather is strange sometimes ). When the water is low enough( but not too low) the current flowing under the low bridge creates a fun little tube chute. We're always talking about coming back here to camp. I'd really like to do some more fishing too. Someday.

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