Sunday, April 11, 2010

Four Mile Campground, Arizona

We stayed at the BLM Four Mile Campground near Klondyke, Arizona. A group of off road enthusiasts had set up a compound commandeering half the place with numerous trailers and vehicles. Things didn't look good. I don't know if there are limits for people and vehicles per campsite here,but situations like this are why limits end up being set at other campgrounds. I reluctantly paid our fee for this poorly laid out( the campsites are all crowded within 50 feet of each other), cattle accessible parcel of desert. As night fell, the compound turned into an outdoor night club with metal music and drunken shouts and guffaws that went on for hours. Why people feel comfortable behaving in such a manner out at a campground that would probably get them arrested in their own front yard is beyond me. Of course, we were in the middle of nowhere with the nearest law enforcement probably a good 30 miles away. Common courtesy and common sense should have been enough to prevent this kind of idiocy,but many people don't know what these are, that's why we have to have so many rules.Precisely the thing these types fight against their whole lives. Ah,well try to make sure you're far from the crowds,or at a campground with a host, on Friday night.


  1. Arizona is not California. You can camp almost anywhere you want to, you don't have to put up with campgrounds and other people being idiots. Read the laws and enjoy yourself.

  2. Our previous trip to the area we dispersed camped on Deer creek in the Galiuros- beautiful. We've also camped on Turkey Creek- tributary to Aravaipa. This particular area of Arizona has a lot of private property that blocks access to forest service and BLM land. Much of our camping in NM and AZ used to be dispersed. We pull a very small trailer now and the suitability of roads becomes an issue.
